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留学生介绍——马娜莎 ——

My name is Martha Mwale. My Chinese name is Masha. I was born on the twenty second of July 1997.I come from a family of three. I'm currently studying International Business  here at SSPU. I can also describe myself as  confident, hard working, punctual, responsible and humble. My former schools were Mushumbi high school, Royal college and Morgan high school. My hobbies are  reading novels and dancing. I like the environment and the education system at my university because it is grooming and building me to become a better person in the world as I work hard to achieve my goals.

我叫Martha Mwale。我的中文名字是玛莎。我生于1997年7月的二十一秒。我来自一个三口之家。我现在在斯普学习国际商务。我也可以形容自己自信、勤奋、守时、负责和谦逊。我以前的学校是Mushumbi高中,皇家学院和摩根高中。我的爱好是读小说和跳舞。我喜欢大学里的环境和教育体系,因为它使我在努力实现自己的目标的过程中,成为一个更好的人。