Hello! My name is Gauhar Kalmakhan! I am studying at International business course in Shanghai Polytechnic University. I choose to study at SSPU because this is one of the best Universities in China.
China has historically strong leadership role in Asia and recently become the leader of the world economy. It supports all the countries of the region by the policy "One belt, one road". Especially, China has good relationship with Kazakhstan based on trust, respect and cooperation.
With the knowledge that I will obtain in one of the best universities of China , I hope further develop International business in Kazakhstan. After successful graduation, I will be able to contribute to strengthen ties between Kazakhstan and China by increasing International business between countries.
我是Gauhar Kalmakhan,中文名叫玫瑰。现在就读于上海第二工业大学经济与管理学院国际商务专业。我选择来这里学习是因为SSPU是中国最好的高校之一。